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Erebus Weekly - Week 002 - 03.03.2017

Welcome to the Erebus Weekly, Week 002. There wasn't a terrible amount of excitement this week, more on the boring documentation and organizing side of things.


Again, this. Previously the Erebus Design site and The Weekly here were hosted on some crappy free host, that fails to update inode counts properly. Thus, I wasn't actually able to get any of the ED site stuff uploaded. This forced my hand (gently, mind you) to get on the GitHub wagon (swidt?). Now there is an Erebus Design organization, as well as the associated GitHub Pages set up. Wait, you're already here... Moving on.

Documentation, Anyone?

I both love and hate documentation. At least, my brain does. Sometimes it just takes off, without a leash, other times I can't get it to do one damn trick when company is over. At any rate, more documentation for Cogitatio and EGT was worked on. There should be documentation efforts for Ultra Puck Battle underway, but that probably won't happen. That'll just float around in my spacious noggin.

YouTube Famous

One can dream. Concept for the Erebus Design YouTube channel is being conceptualized. Yeah, that's right. Concept being concepted. Basically, we've identified the need (desire) for a front on YouTube, to show off our pretties. Tutorials and such may also end up there, but again- concept stages.

Closing Time

Short and sweet this week. Plans for future entries include tips n' tricks, cool links, and gratuitis use of sloth emojis. Stay tuned. Out.